Dr Mercedes Alonso VU Brussels Belgium |
A bottom-up approach towards the design of molecular electronic devices |
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Professor Ivan Rivalta University of Bologna Italy |
Simulating Two-Dimensional Electronic Spectra |
Abstract |
Dr Stephan Irle Oak Ridge National Laboratory USA |
Density-Functional Tight-Binding for the Predictive Simulation of Complex Systems |
Abstract |
Professor Sharon Hammes-Schiffer Yale University USA |
Integrating Electronic and Nuclear Quantum Effects via the Nuclear-Electronic Orbital Method |
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Professor Mark Tuckermann NYU USA |
Machine learning as a tool for analyzing and creating novel enhanced conformational sampling strategies |
Abstract |
Dr Natalie Fey University of Bristol UK |
Prediction in organometallic catalysis – a challenge for computational chemistry |
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Professor Irene Burghardt Goethe-Universität Frankfurt Germany |
Quantum dynamical approaches to coherent carrier and exciton dynamics in functional organic materials |
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Dr Jeff Seeman University of Richmond USA |
The Mutation of the "Nobel Prize in Chemistry" into the "Nobel Prize in Chemistry or Life Sciences": Several Decades of Transparent and Opaque Evidence of Change within the Nobel Prize Program |
Abstract |
Professor Jeff Kovac University of Tennessee Knoxville USA |
Writing (and Drawing) as Thinking |
Abstract |
Professor Heather Kulik MIT USA |
Putting density functional theory to the test in machine-learning accelerated discovery for transition metal chemistry |
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Professor Julian Gale Curtin University Australia |
Simulation of association in water: From ion pairing to crystal growth |
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Dr. Ákos Tarcsay Chemaxon Hungary |
Computational tools for drug discovery |
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Professor Vera Krewald TU Darmstadt Germany |
Methods for the prediction and analysis of electronic structures for magnetically coupled transition metal complexes |
Abstract |
Professor William Jorgensen Yale University United States |
Free-energy calculations from theory to drug discovery |
Abstract |
Professor Martin Head-Gordon UC Berkley USA |
Understanding intermolecular interactions and chemical bonding via energy decomposition analysis |
Abstract |
Quantum Espresso
Quantum ESPRESSO Workshop |
Abstract |
ORCA Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung Germany |
ORCA Workshop |
Abstract |